Monday, November 16, 2009


This is the hardest blog I have written thus far because I am practically writing about myself. I am keeping it a 100 percent real and I hope you can appreciate my point of view on independent women. Now before you read my point of view, I want to clarify two things: I do believe women should have their own and I am in support of independent women, however women do not let your independence hinder you from getting a real man. Sometimes women we have to learn to be submissive.

The term INDEPENDENT is used so loosely. Nowadays, a lot of women are shouting “I am independent and I don’t need a man.” I once shouted that too, until I sat down and had a conversation with a real man who had a valuable point of view on this issue. He said to me, “Why is it that the majority of women who say that they are independent are single? and why are independent women still looking for a man?” Initially, I laughed at these questions, but truthfully I could not disagree with him because he was right. If I say I am independent and I don’t need a man, it does not make sense to later state that I have not found the right man. The two statements are a contradiction. If you don’t need a man than what’s the point in looking for the right one??? LOL…

You see I understand women and if there is anything I’ve learned about being a woman is this: Women say one thing and mean another. I do not know why we do it, but that’s what we do. I guess we assume that men know what we want. So let me explain what a woman is really trying to say when she says, “I am independent and I do not need a man.” She is saying, “I am proud of myself because I have a job, a car, my own place and I can provide for myself financially, so if a man wants to be with me, he has to be able to give me more than what I already have.” (Now that’s deep! LOL) You see it’s not that we do not need a man, oh yes, we need them, but we or should I say I want one that will STAND UP AND BE A MAN….in other words take care of the household. More women nowadays are the sole providers for their household. Now I am not saying it’s all about money, there is other ways you can support your woman. You can please her emotionally, spiritually and physically. The problem is most men are emotionally disconnected, lost spiritually and physically they just are not “doing it right” for a lack of a better word (you can interpret that last statement however you want too).

Okay so what’s the solution? Women stop saying you do not need a man, speak positivity into your situation and say, “I want a man who has more than what I have.” Also, don’t go around shouting you’re independent because you attract dependent men. All the real men run away from you because they are afraid they will not be able to offer you anything. Lastly, when you get a real man remember it’s not about what you can do for him or what he can do for you, ITS ABOUT WHAT YA’LL CAN DO FOR EACH OTHER!

~Keep the FAITH, luv Ms. Kinsey~


Alex said...

Couldn't agree with you more. What's amazing is that Women who say they don't need a man are really truly contradicting themselves. And I think you had it right. You see you need companionship and love. If you lacked it you would want to stop living. Maybe you don't need a man to put food on the table or to change the tire. But women who only look at men pragmatically are unfairly short changing what men offer. Men do provide what women need: companionship and love. In truth, men provide a life worth living, just as women provide the same for men.

So in all honesty, women should say this: I want a man who can meet my needs.

Ms. Kinsey said...

thanks for your comment alex...I appreciate you for reading my blog...I agree women should say " I want a man who can meet my needs" the problem is most women do not know the difference between needs and wants...what you think?