Thursday, January 28, 2010


I am stuck sitting here in this unfamiliar place
Wondering how did I get stuck here in this unfamiliar place?
A place full of lust, confusion, excitement and a feeling that is hard to let go
How did I get here in this unfamiliar place?
Stuck not knowing what to do
Can you meet me at the cross road so we can figure out which way to go?
I want to go left, but my heart tells me to go right, but I know that’s not right
So I am stuck sitting here in this unfamiliar place
Lonely, confused, hurt & feeling misused
Can you meet me at the cross road so I can figure out which way to go?

Sometimes in life we often feel stuck and confused when it comes to personal matters such as RELATIONSHIPS. Most of us just want someone to meet us half way and compromise. Unfortunately, it does not always work out like that. Life is unpredictable, its a temporary assignment and nothing last forever so all you can do is TRUST the PROCESS and LIVE….everything that’s meant to happen will happen. DON’T STAY STUCK, pick your head up and LIVE. “LIFE IS TO BE LIVED”

This poem is dedicated to the people who feel stuck and unsure of their next move in their relationship, career, etc… I hope my words inspire you to LIVE and enjoy your LIFE!!

God bless, Keep the FAITH, love Miss Kinsey!