Rev. Al Sharpton preached an awesome message today at New Birth Baptist Church in Miami, Fl. I'm glad I was present to witness his sermon. He preached on Ephesians 6:10-12. I took notes just like I do every Sunday, but there was something special about his message that stuck with me. His four main points were:
topic: Are you ready for the fight? "the reason why most people dont stand up and do what God called them to do is because they are afraid; if you put on the whole armor of God on you don't have to be afraid." ~rev. Sharpton~
1. have you prepared for the fight?
2. do you know your calling or what you are fighting for?
3. do you know who your enemy is?
4. who are the people that are fighting with you are they strong enough to last through entire fight or will they give in?
I know these points may seem vague to you, but he broke them down so eloquently. You had to be there to truly understand his message. I would elaborate more, but its bed time. Goodnite world!
" You got to have a destination to have an arrival" ~rev.al sharpton
~God Bless, KEEP THE FAITH, luv Ms. Kinsey~