Friday, April 22, 2011


Life has its ups and downs, but through it all you must persevere. Keep pushing is what I keep telling myself. I am not where I want to be, but I am grateful that I am not where I used to be. God has placed me where I need to be for the moment. I know somewhere in my future I look a lot better than what I do now. Every day I am setting new goals, constantly working hard to reinvent myself. I work hard on becoming a better communicator, better friend, better sister, and better role model. I realized a long time ago that nothing will change unless I change. I will never allow myself to become a victim of my circumstance, but I will be victorious in every situation. It is wasted energy to think negative so I will remain optimistic about my future.

I'm looking forward to inspiring people around the world. I am looking forward to telling my story; I thank God for the obstacles because now I have a testimony. I am stronger because of what I've been through, grateful that I did not grow up easy with rich parents and everything given to me. Throughout my years I have learned to appreciate the little things in life and not take anything for granted. I often remind myself that life is a temporary assignment, nothing last forever; my job is to figure out what to do in the meantime.

I'm living in my meantime, taking every day one day at a time. Before I leave this earth if it is God's will, I will leave behind a legacy, the world will know my name and people will say I inspired them with my words and my smile brightened up their day. (LOL) I just want to be God's little helper while I'm here on earth. Every day I pray and ask God to use me to help others and every day he answers my prayers. I am truly grateful.

God bless, I AM Keeping the FAITH, Luv Miss Kinsey

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